Our customer values What do we stand for?


Every project is unique to us, no matter the size. We'll help you personalise Foxentry for your website so you can become a company that wins in the long run.

Foxentry codex - flexibility

Simplest use

We're not fans of hassle. From the first email or call to the implementation and support, you can count on us to be straightforward and easy to understand.

Foxentry codex - simplest use


Everything we use is encrypted. That means that nobody - neither you nor us - sees the data. In cases of cyber danger, hackers would only get useless lines of cyphers.

Foxentry codes- security
Foxentry codex - flexibility
Foxentry codex - simplest use
Foxentry codes- security


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Approximately one hour response time

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AVANTRO s.r.o.

IČ: 04997476
DIČ: CZ04997476

Thámova 137/16
18600 Praha 8
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Everyday from 9:30am to 5:00pm

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