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Features available


Validation & correction
Validation of address data yes
Autocorrect and address completion yes
Alternative addresses yes
Street, city and postal number autocomplete yes
Targeting results using GPS location yes
Address lookup with filter parameters from basic/full datascope yes
GPS radius filter yes
Negative filters (don't look up addresses 'starting with' or 'contains') yes
Results with basic or full datascope yes
Address information (basic)
Official ID (may differ in individual countries) yes
Postal number yes
City yes
Street yes
Street number / house number / apartment letter yes
Street with a number combination yes
Full address yes
Address information (full)
Everything from 'basic' datascope yes
Region yes
District yes
City area yes
City district yes
Special city district yes
GPS yes
JSTK coordinates (or local equivalent) yes
IDs of the individual components yes


Validation & correction
Validation of company data yes
Autocorrect and company completion yes
Alternative companies yes
Company ID, name, VAT number and address autocomplete yes
Targeting the results using GPS location yes
Company lookup with filter parameters from basic/extended/full datascope yes
Range filter yes
Negative filters (don't look up companies 'starting with' or 'contains') yes
Company information (basic)
Company name yes
ID yes
VAT ID yes
Official company address (Street with number, city, postal number) yes
Company address validated by Foxentry yes
Company information (extended)
Everything from 'basic' datascope yes
Legal form yes
Field of business (+ NACE codes) yes
Trade licenses yes
Created / Expired yes
VAT information yes
Type of VAT payer (suitable for reverse charge, VAT payer, not a VAT payer) yes
List of bank accounts yes
Reliability of the VAT payer yes
List of company registrations (VAT, trade licences, etc.) yes
Company information (extended)
Everything from 'basic' and 'extended' datascope yes
List of all the business premises yes
Data box yes
Insolvency yes
VAT payer history yes
List of the executives yes
Capital yes
Number of employees (approximate or exact) yes


Validation (basic)
Format check yes
Typo correction yes
Validation (extended)
Everything from 'basic' validation yes
In depth e-mail validation yes
More probable alternatives yes
Temporary e-mail check yes

Phone numbers

Validation (basic)
Format check yes
Country information yes
Number in domestic and international format yes
Validation (extended)
In-depth phone validation yes
Carrier information yes
Type of network (mobile / landline) yes


Name validation & autocorrect yes
Name information
Gender yes
Addressing yes

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