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Price list for applications

Updated this month

If you want to use Foxentry functionalities in your application, internal system or anywhere where a script implementation is not suitable, you can use the services of our API, which works on the REST principle. Here you'll find a price list for this functionality.

API price list - validation

To 100 000 req / month To 500 000 req / month
Validation of e-mails (basic) $0.008 $0.007
Validation of e-mails (extended) $0.02 $0.018
Validation of phone numbers (basic) $0.008 $0.007
Validation of phone numbers (extended) $0.03 $0.026
Validation of address $0.01 $0.008
Validation of companies $0.015 $0.012
Validation of name and surname $0.008 $0.007

The price list is valid from 1. 10. 2022.

API price list - autocomplete

To 100 000 req / month To 500 000 req / month
Address autocomplete $0.004 / request $0.003 / request
Company autocomplete $0.005 / request $0.004 / request
Section_4_emailWhisper $ / request $ / request

The price list is valid from 1. 10. 2022.

API price list - more informations

To 100 000 req / month To 500 000 req / month
Information about address (basic) $0 $0
Information about address (full) $0.008 $0.006
Information about company (basic) $0 $0
Information about company (extended) $0.0162 $0.022
Information about company (full) $0.06 $0.05
Information about name (basic) $0 $0
Information about name (extended) $0.008 $0.007

The price list is valid from 1. 10. 2022.

Individual offer

If you're a big player or have special requirements, we'll be happy to prepare a package tailored to your needs. Contact us about our tailor-made offers via our email or information hotline.

Still having trouble? Leave us a note.